Exhibitor Opportunities 

Sponsorship Table
Exhibitor Opportunity SUPPORT
500 $
1,500 $
3,000 $
5,000 $
10,000 $
Logo on conference website, social media, and brochure acknowledging support. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Complimentary conference registrations and banquet tickets. Additional banquet tickets can be purchased. 1 2 3 4
6' booth* to display products. You choose your booth location based on first-come, first-served within sponsorship level. Yes Yes Yes Yes
Self-submitted profile in every congress delegate package. Submit as 1 item. Profile documents will be reviewed prior to distribution. Max. 2 pages Max. 3 pages Max. 4 pages
Acknowledged in the conference program as an event sponsor towards. Multiple sponsorships allowed. Coffee breaks Coffee breaks
Coffee breaks
Welcome reception
Coffee breaks
Welcome reception
Industrial business pitch/presentation Lunch Lunch Lunch
Mentioned in presidential or chair address as event sponsor. Yes Yes
* Booth includes one standard 6’ decorated table, 3’ high side wall drape, two chairs, and one small identification sign.

500 $

Logo on conference website, social media, and brochure acknowledging support. Yes
Complimentary conference registrations and banquet tickets. Additional banquet tickets can be purchased. None
6' booth to display products. Choose location based on first-come, first-served within sponsorship level. Not included
Self-submitted profile in delegate package, reviewed prior to distribution. Not included
Acknowledged in conference program as event sponsor. Multiple sponsorships allowed. None
Industrial business pitch/presentation. Not included
Mentioned in presidential or chair address as event sponsor. Not included

1,500 $

Logo on conference website, social media, and brochure acknowledging support. Yes
Complimentary conference registrations and banquet tickets. Additional banquet tickets can be purchased. 1
6' booth to display products. Choose location based on first-come, first-served within sponsorship level. Included
Self-submitted profile in delegate package, reviewed prior to distribution. Not included
Acknowledged in conference program as event sponsor. Multiple sponsorships allowed. Coffee breaks
Industrial business pitch/presentation. Not included
Mentioned in presidential or chair address as event sponsor. Not included

3,000 $

Logo on conference website, social media, and brochure acknowledging support. Yes
Complimentary conference registrations and banquet tickets. Additional banquet tickets can be purchased. 2
6' booth to display products. Choose location based on first-come, first-served within sponsorship level. Included
Self-submitted profile in delegate package, reviewed prior to distribution. Max. 2 pages
Acknowledged in conference program as event sponsor. Multiple sponsorships allowed. Coffee breaks, Lunches
Industrial business pitch/presentation. Lunch
Mentioned in presidential or chair address as event sponsor. Not included

5,000 $

Logo on conference website, social media, and brochure acknowledging support. Yes
Complimentary conference registrations and banquet tickets. Additional banquet tickets can be purchased. 3
6' booth to display products. Choose location based on first-come, first-served within sponsorship level. Included
Self-submitted profile in delegate package, reviewed prior to distribution. Max. 3 pages
Acknowledged in conference program as event sponsor. Multiple sponsorships allowed. Coffee breaks, Lunches, Welcome reception
Industrial business pitch/presentation. Lunch
Mentioned in presidential or chair address as event sponsor. Yes

10,000 $

Logo on conference website, social media, and brochure acknowledging support. Yes
Complimentary conference registrations and banquet tickets. Additional banquet tickets can be purchased. 4
6' booth to display products. Choose location based on first-come, first-served within sponsorship level. Included
Self-submitted profile in delegate package, reviewed prior to distribution. Max. 4 pages
Acknowledged in conference program as event sponsor. Multiple sponsorships allowed. Coffee breaks, Lunches, Welcome reception, Banquet
Industrial business pitch/presentation. Lunch
Mentioned in presidential or chair address as event sponsor. Yes

Please find more detailed information on the different sponsorship opportunities here:

Exhibit hours: Each day, a 1.5-hour lunch break and two 30-minute coffee breaks are planned. 

Schedule Table
Sunday, May 25 Monday, May 26 Tuesday, May 27 Wednesday, May 28
13.00 – 16.00 ET
9.00 – 16.00 ET 9.00 – 16.00 ET 9.00 – 12.30 ET
Tear-down: 13.00 – 16.00 MT